Explore the Swedish bygglov process and the significance of detaljplan —  MALARKI

When it comes to construction in Sweden, a critical aspect that cannot be overlooked is bygglovsritningar, or building permit drawings. These drawings are necessary for ensuring that any construction or modification of buildings adheres to local laws and safety standards. They form the backbone of the building permit application process and are essential for securing the legal approval required before commencing any significant construction project.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of bygglovsritningar, exploring what they entail, their importance, the various types, how to prepare them, and the approval process involved. This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of building permit drawings, helping homeowners, architects, and builders navigate the complexities of construction projects in Sweden.

What are Bygglovsritningar?

Definition of Bygglovsritningar

Bygglovsritningar refer to the technical drawings and documents that are submitted to local authorities (commonly known as Byggnadsnämnden) when applying for a building permit (bygglov) in Sweden. These drawings represent the planned construction project and provide detailed information regarding the layout, design, dimensions, materials, and structural aspects of the building.

These plans are essential for the authorities to assess whether the proposed construction meets local regulations, urban planning laws, and safety standards. The drawings must accurately depict both the existing conditions and the proposed changes to a property or building.

Importance of Building Permit Drawings

Building permit drawings are critical for several reasons:

  1. Regulatory Compliance: They ensure that the construction follows national and local building codes, such as the Boverkets byggregler (BBR), and fits within the community’s zoning laws.
  2. Safety: By ensuring that buildings meet certain standards, these drawings help safeguard the health and safety of residents and visitors.
  3. Aesthetic Harmony: Local authorities often review bygglovsritningar to maintain the aesthetic integrity of neighborhoods and communities.
  4. Avoiding Legal Issues: Failure to submit proper bygglovsritningar could result in project delays, fines, or even the demolition of unauthorized structures.

When Are Bygglovsritningar Required?

Types of Projects that Require Bygglovsritningar

Bygglovsritningar are required for various types of construction projects, including:

  • New Buildings: Any new structure, whether residential, commercial, or industrial, will require a building permit along with detailed drawings.
  • Extensions and Additions: Expanding an existing building, such as adding a room, balcony, or an additional floor, also demands updated permit drawings.
  • Renovations: Major internal or external renovations that affect the structural integrity of the building or its use will require bygglovsritningar. This includes significant modifications to the building’s façade.
  • Changes in Use: If a building’s function is being changed, such as converting a residential home into a commercial space, detailed drawings must be submitted for approval.
  • Demolition: Even demolishing a building requires submission of specific drawings illustrating the structure’s current condition.

Exceptions and Exemptions

Not every construction project in Sweden requires bygglovsritningar. Minor projects, such as small-scale renovations, repairs, or the addition of certain outdoor structures, may not necessitate a building permit. However, it’s important to consult with your local municipality before starting any construction to determine whether building permit drawings are needed.

Projects that may not require bygglov include:

  • Building a friggebod (small outdoor shed up to 15 square meters).
  • Constructing a tillbyggnad (small extension of up to 15 square meters), under certain conditions.
  • Putting up fences, gates, or other minor exterior changes that do not affect the building’s structure.

Components of Bygglovsritningar

Building permit drawings consist of several specific documents and types of plans, each serving a distinct purpose in the approval process. These include architectural drawings, structural plans, and site plans, among others.

1. Site Plan (Situationsplan)

The site plan is a top-down view of the building plot and its surroundings. It shows the relationship between the proposed construction and the existing structures, including neighboring properties, roads, and infrastructure. The site plan typically includes:

  • Property boundaries.
  • Location of the proposed building.
  • Setback distances from property lines and other structures.
  • Landscaping features, parking areas, and driveways.

2. Floor Plans (Planritning)

A floor plan provides a detailed layout of the building’s interior spaces. It displays the arrangement of rooms, doors, windows, staircases, and walls. Each floor of the building will have its own floor plan, showing the dimensions and scale of all interior features.

Key elements of a floor plan include:

  • Room dimensions and square footage.
  • Placement of structural walls.
  • Locations of utilities like plumbing, electrical outlets, and HVAC systems.
  • Furniture layout (optional).

3. Elevations (Fasadritning)

Elevation drawings are side views of the building, showing the exterior from various angles. They are crucial for illustrating how the building will look in relation to its surroundings and what materials will be used. These drawings typically highlight:

  • External finishes (brick, wood, stucco, etc.).
  • Window and door placement.
  • Roof design and pitch.
  • Building height and any relevant architectural features.

4. Cross-Sections (Sektioner)

A cross-section provides a vertical slice through the building, showing the internal structure and detailing how the floors, walls, ceilings, and roof are constructed. Cross-section drawings are essential for understanding the building’s structural integrity and are often used to illustrate:

  • Floor-to-ceiling heights.
  • Foundation details.
  • Wall assemblies, including insulation.
  • Roof structure and materials.

5. Structural Drawings

Structural drawings focus on the building’s framework, ensuring that it complies with safety standards and building codes. These drawings might include:

  • Foundation plans.
  • Structural support details like beams, columns, and load-bearing walls.
  • Details for reinforced concrete, steel framing, or timber construction.
  • Specifications for building materials.

6. Other Technical Drawings

Depending on the complexity of the project, additional drawings may be required, such as:

  • Electrical Plans: Showing the layout of electrical wiring, outlets, and fixtures.
  • Plumbing Plans: Illustrating the location of pipes, drains, and water fixtures.
  • Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Plans: Detailing the design and layout of heating and cooling systems.

How to Prepare Bygglovsritningar

Engaging a Professional Architect

Although some homeowners might attempt to create bygglovsritningar themselves, it is highly recommended to hire a professional architect or certified building designer. Professional architects are well-versed in Swedish building codes and regulations and can ensure that the drawings meet the necessary technical standards and aesthetic requirements.

An architect will also work with you to design the building in a way that suits your needs while complying with local laws, zoning rules, and environmental considerations.

Use of CAD Software

In today’s digital age, most bygglovsritningar are created using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software. CAD allows for precise, scalable drawings that can be easily modified as the project evolves. The use of CAD also ensures that the drawings meet the formatting standards required by local authorities.

Ensuring Accuracy

Accuracy is critical in bygglovsritningar. Inaccurate or incomplete drawings may result in delays, additional costs, or even rejection of the building permit application. It’s essential to include precise measurements, correct symbols for architectural elements, and clear labels on all drawings.

Before submitting the drawings to the local authorities, it’s a good idea to review them carefully and cross-check them with the building regulations in your area. This can help to prevent any issues later in the process.

The Approval Process for Bygglovsritningar

Submitting the Building Permit Application

Once your bygglovsritningar are complete, the next step is to submit them along with your building permit application to the local Byggnadsnämnden. Depending on the complexity of the project and the municipality, you may be required to submit several copies of the drawings, as well as digital versions.

Review by Authorities

The local building authority will review your application to ensure that it complies with national building codes, zoning laws, and any other relevant regulations. They will examine the drawings in detail, paying close attention to:

  • The project’s impact on the surrounding environment.
  • Compliance with safety standards.
  • The aesthetic compatibility of the project with the surrounding buildings and landscape.

Possible Revisions

It’s not uncommon for the local authorities to request revisions to the bygglovsritningar before granting approval. If this happens, the architect or designer will need to make the necessary changes and resubmit the drawings for further review.

Approval and Permit Issuance

Once the drawings and application are approved, you will receive your building permit. With this permit in hand, you are legally allowed to begin construction. However, you must follow the approved plans exactly. Any deviations from the approved drawings may require submitting a new application or amendment.

Common Challenges and Mistakes in Bygglovsritningar

Inaccurate Measurements

One of the most common issues with bygglovsritningar is inaccurate measurements. Small errors in dimensions can lead to significant problems during construction. Always ensure that the measurements in your drawings are precise and double-checked.

Misinterpretation of Local Building Codes

Each municipality in Sweden may have slightly different building codes and zoning laws. Misinterpreting these rules can result in delays or rejections. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the specific regulations of the area where you are building.

Insufficient Detail

Sometimes, drawings lack the necessary detail for authorities to make an informed decision. Be sure to include all required technical drawings, as well as clear labels and annotations, to avoid unnecessary delays.

How to Appeal a Rejected Building Permit

In some cases, your application for a building permit might be rejected due to issues with the bygglovsritningar or other aspects of the project. If this happens, you have the right to appeal the decision.

Steps to Take After Rejection

  1. Understand the Reasons for Rejection: Carefully review the feedback from the authorities to identify the specific reasons your application was denied.
  2. Make the Necessary Revisions: Work with your architect or designer to correct the issues in the drawings or application.
  3. Submit an Appeal: If you believe the rejection was unjustified, you can submit an appeal to a higher authority, such as the Länsstyrelsen (County Administrative Board). Be sure to include a detailed explanation of why you believe the decision should be overturned.
  4. Consider Mediation: In some cases, it may be beneficial to enter into mediation with the local authorities to resolve any disputes regarding the project.


Bygglovsritningar are an essential part of the building permit process in Sweden. These technical drawings not only ensure that your construction project complies with local laws and regulations, but they also help to protect the safety and aesthetic integrity of the community. Whether you’re building a new home, renovating an existing structure, or making other significant changes to your property, proper bygglovsritningar are critical for a smooth and successful project.

Engaging a professional architect and ensuring that your drawings are accurate and detailed will increase the likelihood of receiving a building permit without delays or issues. By understanding the various components of bygglovsritningar and the approval process, you can confidently navigate the often-complex world of building permits in Sweden.